Sigh....haven't been posting for such a long time for now....till the blogspot's homepage also shifted.
Holidays are coming to an end soon. 13 days left....
-Are not holidays a time to bum around?-
I don't know. It seems that I didn't accomplish much during these holidays. Sad huh....
the first part of it was spent busying with weddings. then the second was with my family trip.
the third..*forcing myself to think hard* seems like I've done nothing but BUMMING AROUND! arghh.....
Another two weddings are coming up. All of them filled with excitement, nervousness and etc. Each and everytime i've to be in charged of something....It's not that I'm unwilling, but I long for one that I could just sit back and relax. No need to worry what sort of formal dresses to wear and accessories to adorn my body with. How nice if I could be men, who only need to worry what tie they need for their shirts. need for any accessories or hairdo. I admit it's kind of boring but at least they can sleep well at night without worrying about the outfit they're going to clothe themselves with for the next day.
This hassle of dressing myself up can be a chore sometimes. Though I admit I'm that type who dresses to perfection even for a usual day in college or church meeting. Sometimes I'm tired as well when I run out of ideas what to wear. I mean you could only impress others with X number of outfits. Oh well, it's only me who's causing so much trouble unto myself. See how much the media does to a person. The subtle influence has actually sucked into me without me knowing. It's hard to get out of it once you're in there. You can't go to college anymore with your loose t-shirts and torn jeans. Because you'll receive funny stares and comments from your peers. They'll be like:" are you alright? are you ill or something?" No...i can't turn back. I really can't.....I'll have to live with the consequences for the rest of my life...irk..sounds scary....
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