Sunday, June 18, 2006

into the 18th day

The following lines are commonly found in the conversations Sheena has been having since her school holidays have started.
A: so you're on holidays now....must be really stress-free la?
Me: (errr....well if you think handling music students for a performance is stress-free, i've no words to say)
B: so what have you been up to since the holidays started?
Me: (good question....don't wanna be reminded of my state of 'doing-nothingness', but actually i've been pretty busy come to think of it....18 minus 4 for church camp, minus 3 days of shopping for gowns, minus 1 movie day, minus 1 for wedding dinner, minus 5 more days of work, minus 1 for youth meeting, hmm so still quite productive considering i'd only had 3 full days of staying home relaxing)
People...don't get me wrong...I don't mean i hate answering these questions but life has still been busy for me as there are different things popping up each and everyday. Well, one thing I really enjoy is sleep. I've been trying to catch up with my sleep and naps. haha....the fun thing is getting up at an hour that you(or your body) desire. hehe...(I know a lot of u truly envies me) too bad...~~bleh~~


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