Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Life is......

Life is:
-so sweet when you are being loved and accepted (whee! me likes!)
-much easier when you've someone to hold on to during the worst pitfalls you think you are in (aww....)
-fun and enjoyable when you've a bunch of friends who are as crazy as you (yipee!)
-full of surprises and uncertainties :(
-an adventure (agree? yes? no?)
-mundane and stressful for Sheena Wong on Thursdays and Fridays (yea, so don't get on my nerves during these two days)

I could come up with more 'life-is(s)' and this list is not exhaustive. Perhaps these things are closely related to what I'm going through right now. Hmm.....College life has been GOOD and exciting (minus the lectures and tutorials). Somehow the assignment mode has set in and I'm not feeling as stressful compared to the previous semesters. Probably the due dates are nicely spread out.
As expected, when my mood goes high and euphoric, I tend to feast on food! sigh...bad bad...
so now i'm on my diet stint and hopefully I can slim down a bit more for my cousin's wedding. Seems I'm only motivated to slim down if there're wedding ocassions. Hehe....that keeps me in shape...


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