Thursday, December 20, 2007


The most awful state one has to face is: facing a situation and so helpless and watching yourself drowning to death. That was what happened yesterday in the exam hall. I knew I've studied that question. Almost EXACTLY THE SAME WITH TUTORIAL! Damn it! I thought I knew what to do...but when i started writing, I just didn't know which figures to include! Argh! I started to panic. Nvm..then I continued on that question despite the uncertainty when coming to that part. After coming to terms that I REALLY FORGOT HOW TO DO, HOW SILLY I AM, I decided to canceled out that question and moved on to others which I wasn't too sure. And DENG! the exact same thing happened again! Again! And I could feel my head literally spinning and hands shivering already as I couldn't see the words on the paper properly. Sigh.. And walking out of the exam hall, I started to break down. My eyes were welled up in tears and got even worse when one friend called up to comfort me. The more my friend tried to comfort me, the more I cried.
I just have to keep on hoping and praying that everything will turn out well in Feb. Pls God....


At 7:35 PM, December 27, 2007, Blogger Jane said...

everything WILL turn out fine. =) it will.


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