Monday, November 14, 2005

Yahoo! Super-awesomeness...

I know the title is not proper English. But I really feel a bit more liberated right now. The reason: I've passed up my accounting assignment! It's been a crazy week. So many things happened and I couldn't begin to describe the sequence of events. I've survived on less than 4 hours of sleep a day on average. Craziness as I've assignments dateline. I think it's all because of the group assignment that really took a lot out of me. I tried to be as patient as possible with my team members but somehow I think I've not learned how to work in a harmonious way with them. Some of them just don't reach my expectations. I know my expectations are high due to my perfectionist nature. But I was quite gracious at times to grant them leeway so that it'll be fair to them as well. And you know what I did? I just took a deep breath and offered to do 85% of the assignment. Honestly, I don't mind sacrificing my sleep and everything to ensure that the assignment is ok. I mean I really don't want to let go and regret later. I could be wrong in my assignment, but at least I know I've done my best.
Ok much about team work. Not gonna talk about that for some time now.
I feel so blessed as I got a phone call from my cousin in Sabah today. It's a pleasant surprise as she really called me up just to ensure whether I'm alright.. Thank you so much...You really made my day and you are so God-sent. Thanks for all the encouragements. I truly appreciate it.


At 1:25 AM, November 19, 2005, Blogger Jane said...

updates updates!!!


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